We highlight your top results to convert cold traffic— or show you ways around it if your case studies are under NDA or not ideal
We will show you exactly what to click, provide you with the library of our ads that have generated millions in sales for our students, share templates and GPT ad copy prompts.
We'll help you create your custom sales framework like we've done for hundreds of other founders (so you close prospects at a 20% rate and above)
We will help you set up campaigns, get leads, will write your campaign copy, create your content plan and provide feedback on how to improve all of these every week. You / your team will handle replies to interested leads and will write actual content (such split proved to bring the best results the quickest way).
If you have also booked 2000+ B2B SaaS demos via LinkedIn and cold email which brought you $54M in sales - most likely you're set. Otherwise, high chance you have bottlenecks preventing you from growing which you don't even know about. We'll identify those and help you scale. Please don't book a call if you're comfortable being where you are.
We advise starting at a $50-$100/day daily ad budget and then increasing it as you start generating sales.
Right now we are designing lead flow for startups doing 5k-460k MRR. If you closed a few sales with $10K ACV or above, and are now doing 5k - 500k MRR, one of our programs will help you to close the next 100 customers quicker. Book a call to learn which one is the best fit.
No. When we used to do that, we had 20 applicants a week asking to connect them with past/current students. Because of that, their calendars were packed with our applicants and they had fewer slots for their own leads. So once you book a call, watch student interviews on this website and our YT channel so we make the most of our meeting.
We love the impact we can make by helping driven founders win more. Most people on our team launched various ventures in the past, but chose to stick to what they can do best and love most.
We don't do fortune-telling here, so no idea. But, as you can see dozens of other founders have added tens of thousands in new MRR in less than 6 months inside the program.
It depends on your niche and phase. We had B2B SaaS founders book 4 demos within 1 (!!) hour after they joined. We had others book 23 demos in their first week. But be ready for things to take a couple of months before you can see the REAL output.
If you complete the program and it doesn't work, we will send all your money back.
If you don't, open YouTube channel "Denis Shatalin", watch a bunch of videos and founder interviews sharing the best client results in the game, and then apply once trust is there, so we don't waste each other's time.